Conference Time :
My conference time is from 8:15-9:00 everyday, except on all school mass days. Please contact the office and schedule a conference if necessary, or you may email me on any concerns that you may have in reference to your child. All of your concerns or questions deserve sufficient time for discussion, and a formal conference is better suited for this.
Students will be dismissed to aftercare or to the designated area for 8A. Any student not picked up by 3:15 will be sent to aftercare. If a student is picked up by someone else other than the parents/guardians or is carpooling with another parent, a signed authorization needs to be submitted to me and the school office.
Please discuss this information with your child. Thank you for your cooperation.
Phone Number: (915) 772-6598
My conference time is from 8:15-9:00 everyday, except on all school mass days. Please contact the office and schedule a conference if necessary, or you may email me on any concerns that you may have in reference to your child. All of your concerns or questions deserve sufficient time for discussion, and a formal conference is better suited for this.
Students will be dismissed to aftercare or to the designated area for 8A. Any student not picked up by 3:15 will be sent to aftercare. If a student is picked up by someone else other than the parents/guardians or is carpooling with another parent, a signed authorization needs to be submitted to me and the school office.
Please discuss this information with your child. Thank you for your cooperation.
Phone Number: (915) 772-6598